Hand Surgery
Recent Publications from the Dandenong Hand Service
Occupational hazards and Pregnancy in Orthopaedics; Female surgeons are at increased risk of infertility and pregnancy complications
Garcia L, Stannage K, Mandaleson A, Williams N
ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2024 - Accepted
Midcarpal Arthrodesis With or Without Excision of Triquetrum: A Systematic Review.
Tee R, Onggo J, Fine NF, Tham SK, Ek ET. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 2024 (In press)
Simplifying the decision-making process in the treatment of Kienbocks Disease.
Tee R, Butler S, Ek E, Tham S. Journal Wrist Surgery. 2024 (In press)
A comparison of rib osteochondral graft to medial femoral trochlear osteocartilaginous graft for the salvage of the fragmented scaphoid proximal pole. A single centre experience with minimum 2-year follow-up.
Butler S, Galbraith J, Ek ETH, Berger A, McCombe D, Tham S. Journal Wrist Surgery. 2024 (In press)
Immunohistochemical investigation of mechanoreceptors within the injured scapholunate ligament.
Miles O, Tham S, Morrison WA, Ek ET, Palmer J, McCombe D. J Hand Surg Am 2024 (In press)
Determining the Optimal Radiologic Wrist and Forearm Position to Visualise Screw Protrusion in Scaphoid Fixation. Yong M, Liu E, Tee R, Zhang X, Tham S. ANZ J Surg 93(6): 1652-1657, 2023.
Distal biceps tendon repair using a double intracortical button anatomical footprint repair technique.
Hochreiter B, Eckers F, Calek AK, Cassidy JT, Amaranath J, Leung M, Ek ET. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (JSES), 2024 (Accepted)
Clinical outcomes following surgical management of post-traumatic elbow contractures in the pediatric age group: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Onggo JR, Chua NS, Onggo JD, Wang KK, Ek ET. Journal of Hand Surgery (American) 2024 (Epub ahead of print)
Biomechanical comparison of distal biceps tendon repair techniques - extracortical single button versus intracortical double button anatomical footprint repair technique.
Ernstbrunner L, Almond M, Rupasinghe HS, Jo OI, Zbeda RM, Ackland DC, Ek ET. American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM). 2023; 51(7): 1895-1903
Scaphoid, lunate and capitate kinematics in the normal and ligament deficient wrist: A bi-plane x-ray fluoroscopy study.
Zhang X, Tham SK, Ek ET, McCombe D, Ackland DC. Journal of Biomechanics, 2023 Sep;158:111685. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111685. Epub 2023
Medial femoral condyle corticoperiosteal flap for the management of recalcitrant nonunions following total wrist arthrodesis.
Tee R, Harvey JN, Tham SK, Ek ET. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 2023; 20;12(4):288-294. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1760737.
Distal Interphalangeal Joint Arthroplasty: A Narrative Review.
Modi D, Slevin O, Bhalla H, McCombe DB, Berger AC, Tham SKY. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2023;28(4):427-434
Trapeziometarpal joint arthritis in the young patient.
Tham SKY, McCombe DB.J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2023; 48(3):199-207
Medium-term results of inlay vs. onlay humeral components for reverse shoulder arthroplasty: a New Zealand Joint Registry study.
Zhou Y, Mandaleson A, Frampton C, Hirner M. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2024 Jan;33(1):99-107. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2023.05.038. Epub 2023 Jul 8. PMID: 37423461.
The lifetime revision risk of primary anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
Zhou Y, Mandaleson A, Frampton C, Hirner M. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2023 32(10):2027-2034.
A biomechanical assessment of a novel, low-cost all-suture anchor in a flexor digitorum profundus model
Prasai T, Huntington LS, Ackland D, Tham SKY. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2022;47(6):654-656
Double screw osteosynthesis in an unstable scaphoid fracture model: A biomechanical comparison of two screw configuration.
Surke C, Huntington LS, Zhang X, Ek ET, Ackland DC, Tham SK. Journal of Hand Surgery (American) 2022;47(11):1118.e1-1118.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2021.08.019.
Biomechanical Comparison of Intramedullary Screw Fixation, Dorsal Plating and K-wire fixation for Stable Metacarpal Shaft Fractures.
Galbraith JG, Huntington LS, Borbas P, Ackland DC, Tham SK, Ek ET. Journal of Hand Surgery (European) 2022;47(2):172-178. doi: 10.1177/17531934211017705
Ulnar-sided wrist pain: a prospective analysis of diagnostic clinical tests.
Ou Yang O, McCombe DB, Keating C, Maloney PP, Berger AC, Tham SKY. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2021; 91(10):2159-2162. doi: 10.1111/ans.17169
The scapholunate dilemma.
Tham SK, Ek ET. J Wrist Surgery 2021; 10 (6): 465-466
Functional recovery following trapeziectomy and ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition: A prospective longitudinal study.
Janakiramanan N, Miles O, Collon S, Crammond B, McCombe D, Tham SK. Journal Hand Surgery (American) 2021(11):963-971. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2021.04.036. (In press)
Surgical repair of triangular fibrocartilage complex tears: a systematic review.
Liu EH, Suen K, Tham SK, Ek ET. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 2021; 10 (1): 70-83
Clinical outcomes of double screw fixation with autologous bone grafting for unstable scaphoid delayed or non-unions with cavitary bone loss. Ek ET, Johnson PR, Bohan CM, Padmasekara G. Journal of Wrist Surgery 2021; 10 (1): 9-16
Autologous bone grafting and double screw fixation for unstable scaphoid non-unions with cavitary bone loss
Ek ET, Johnson PR, Bohan CM, Padmasekara G. Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) 2021; 46(2): 205-206
Measurement of scaphoid bone microarchitecture: A computed tomography imaging study and implications for screw placement.
Huntington LS, Mandaleson A, Hik F, Ek ET, Ackland DC, Tham SK. Journal Hand Surgery (American) 2020; 45(12): 1185
Periprosthetic fracture of the scaphoid after successful headless compression screw fixation - report of two cases.
Liu EH, Schulz PD, Ek ET. Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) (2020) 45(10): 1093-1095
Scaphocapitate fusion for the treatment of Lichtman stage III Kienböck's disease. Results of a single center study with literature review
Collon S, Tham SK, McCombe D, Bacle G. Hand Surg Rehabil. 2020;39(3):201-206
Medial femoral trochlea graft for scaphoid waist non-union: A case report and review of the literature.
Crepaldi B, Keating, Ek ET, Tham SK. Journal of Wrist Surgery. (2020); 9 (3): 186-189
Isolated proximal radioulna joint instability - etiology, diagnosis and current treatment options.
Jamieson RP, Ek ET. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) Reviews. (2020); 8 (5) e169
Arthroscopic scapholunate ligament thermal shrinkage.
Ek ET, Blackshaw RM. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)
Arthroscopy of the Pisotriquetral joint.
Ek ET, Jamieson RJ. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)
Minimally invasive fixation of ultrasmall proximal pole scaphoid fractures.
Ek ET, Wang KK. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)
Arthroscopic releases of the proximal radioulna joint.
Ek ET, Wang KK. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)
Arthroscopic management of lateral elbow instability.
Ek ET, Kirby JC. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and endoscopy of the hand, wrist and elbow: Principles and Practice. Liu EH (Editor). Springer Nature (In press)
Hand, finger and wrist injuries may be creating post retirement headaches in Australian Football League Players.
Lang A, Boyce G, Anderson H, Stubbe C, Cunningham, Harvey J, Ek ET, Hoy G. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies. 2019; 9 (1):1-4
The Twist Xray - A Novel Test for Dynamic Scapholunate Instability.
Sikora SK, Tham SK, Harvey JN, Garcia-Elias M, Goldring T, Rotstein AH, Ek ET. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 2019; 8 (1):61-65
Protuberant heterotopic ossification following distal biceps tendon repair.
Holder NG, Schneider AK, Ek ET. ANZ J Surg. (2019) 89(5):e208-209
Fixation of the fractured lunate in Kienbock’s disease.
Chou J, Bacle G, Ek ET, Tham SK. J Hand Surg (Am). 2019; 44 (1):67
Bipolar osteoarticular reconstruction of the radioscaphoid joint
Jamieson RP, Harvey JN, Ek ET. J Hand Surg (Eur) 2019; 44 (2):211-213
Wrist arthroscopy in the management of distal radius fractures (Review).
Shkolnikova J, Harvey JN. Annals of Joint. 2018; 3:77
The Twist X-Ray: A Novel Test for Dynamic Scapholunate Instability
Sikora SK, Tham SK, Harvey JN, Goldring T, Rotstein AH, Ek ET. J Wrist Surg. (in press)
Quantitative analysis of in-vivo thumb carpometacarpal joint kinematics using four-dimensional computed tomography.
Wang KK, Zhang X, McCombe D, Ackland DC, Ek ET, Tham SK. J Hand Surg (Eur) 2018;43(10):1088-1097
A blinded, randomized trial comparing bicolumnar arthrodesis to radioscapholunate arthrodesis in scapholunate advanced collapse II arthritis: a pilot study.
Chan S, Sikora SK, Harvey JN, Tham SK. J Hand Surg (Eur) 2018 ;43(8):813-819
Non-Spanning Total Wrist Arthrodesis with a Low Profile Locking Plate.
Rancy SK, EK ET, Paul S, Hotchkiss RN, Wolfe SW. J Wrist Surg. 2018 Apr;7(2):127-132
Ek ET, Wang KK. Arthrosc Tech. 2018 Jan 1;7(2):e77-e81
Scaphoid Fracture Fixation in a Nonunion Model: A Biomechanical Study Comparing 3 Types of Fixation.
Mandaleson A, Tham SK, Lewis C, Ackland DC, Ek ET. J Hand Surg Am. 2018;43(3):221-228.
Alonso-Rasgado T, Zhang QH, Jimenez-Cruz D, Bailey C, Pinder E, Mandaleson A, Talwalkar S. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2018; 56(6):1091-1105
Early unprotected return to play after metacarpal fixation in professional athletes.
Yalizis M, Ek ET, Anderson H, Couzens G, Hoy GA. Bone Joint J, 2017;99-B (10)1343-1347
Analysis of tenodesis techniques for treatment of scapholunate instability using the finite element method.
Alonso Rasgado T, Zhang Q, Jimenez Cruz D, Bailey C, Pinder E, Mandaleson A, Talwalkar S. Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng. 2017;33(12).
Isolated avascular necrosis of the olecranon.
Schneider AK, Ek ET. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017; 26(6): e198-e202
Mandaleson A, Wagels M, Tham SK. J Wrist Surg. 2017;6(4):294-300.
Ek ET, Wang K. J Hand Surg Am. 2017;42(9):758.e1-758.e4
Propionibacterium Acnes Infection of a Metacarpophalangeal Joint Arthroplasty.
Bacle G, Sikora SK, Ek ETH. J Hand Surg (Am) 2017; 42(5):394.e1-394.e6.
Second-toe wrap-around flap for reconstruction of a ring avulsion injury.
Murphy AD, Tham SK. J Hand Surg (Eur) 2017;42(8):857-858.
Assessment of normal trapeziometacarpal joint alignment.
Rust PA, Ek ETH, Tham SKY. J Hand Surg (Eur) 2017; 42(6):605-609.
Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Laboratory (HWBL)

The Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Laboratory (HWBL), based at the O'Brien Institute/St Vincents Institute of Medical Research is closely linked with the Dandenong clinical hand fellowship. The HWBL is currently headed by Mr Stephen Tham, Prof Eugene Ek, A/Prof David McCombe and Mr Kemble Wang
For more information: www.hwbl.com.au
2016 Research Fellows: from left to right: Dr Emma Raey (UK), Xin Zhang (PhD student, University of Melbourne), Dr Guillaume Bacle (France)

2024 Best Research Paper
3rd Combined ASSH/AHSS Meeting, Maui, Hawaii